Hearing Aids can help lessen the negative consequence of the prevalent condition of hearing loss. But a greater incident of depression and feelings of isolation happens when hearing loss is neglected and undiscovered.
And it can spiral into a vicious circle where isolation and depression from hearing loss bring about a breakdown in work and personal relationship causing even worse depression and solitude. Treating hearing loss is the key to ending this unnecessary cycle.
Hearing Loss Has Been Linked to Depression by Numerous Studies
Symptoms of depression have been continuously linked, according to countless studies, to hearing loss. Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and paranoia were, as reported by one study, more likely to impact individuals over 50 who struggle with neglected hearing loss. And it was also more likely that that group would retreat from social engagement. Many couldn’t comprehend why it seemed like people were getting angry with them. However, relationships were improved for individuals who wore hearing aids, who reported that friends, family, and co-workers all recognized the difference.
A more intense sense of depression is encountered, as documented by a different study, by individuals who had a 25 decibel or higher hearing impairment. The only group that didn’t record an increased incidence of depression even with hearing loss was people over the age of 70. But all other demographics include people who aren’t receiving the help that they require for their hearing loss. Another study discovered that hearing aid users had a lower reported rate of depression symptoms than those individuals who suffered from hearing loss but who did not use hearing aids.
ignorance or Unwillingness to Use Hearing Aids Impacts Mental Health
With documented benefits like those, you might imagine that people would need to treat their hearing loss. However, two factors have stopped people from seeking help. Some people believe that their hearing is functioning just fine when it really isn’t. They think that people are deliberately speaking quietly or mumbling. Also, it’s quite common for people to have no clue they have a hearing impairment. It seems, to them, that people don’t like talking with them.
If you are somebody who frequently thinks people are talking quietly or mumbling and it’s causing you to feel anxiety or even depression, it’s time for a hearing exam. You could possibly feel a lot better if you consult an audiologist.